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             Abortions has to be one of those topics that let people draw a definite line and position on where they stand concerning it. In class we heard two very extreme views on the subject matter. Before when looking and trying to find my personal views on abortion, I found it hard to find a definite stance on where I stood. After hearing the two speakers, I would start to say I lean towards the Catholic view.
             Obviously there was a very extreme view change from what we saw on Monday compared to what we were treated to on Tuesday. I must say that Monday's speaker; Sarah with the Pro-Choice message was a very boring discussion. This speaker had problems keeping my attention. I found myself looking more at the clock as the period progressed than the actual speaker. I also took some opportunities to awake my neighbor (Tim B.) on a couple occasions so he would have to suffer the same hell, which I was, and the rest of the class for that matter was going through. It seemed like she read off her note sheet the entire time, and spoke in boring monotone. One thing that she neglected to do was MOVE. When someone is speaking and trying to get a point across in a large room with many people occupying it I usually find it a good idea to move around while you talk. If you stand still, people's eyes are staying in a stationary position, which has been proven that after awhile the eyelids will soon magnetically join together thus causing a nice sleeping state of mind. When you move around people usually follow you with their eyes, it keeps them focused and awake. (At least for some of us.).
             The gentleman we had from the Catholic Church on Tuesday was not only the complete opposite in the way he spoke and interacted as the speaker we had on Monday, but also his overall character and personality was very refreshing and unique. He made it very very clear on where the Catholic Church stood on the subject of Abortion.

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