Most of the religions are like a cake, they have the same basic ingredients but each has a different taste to everybody. Like a cake with differing tastes, religion offers many qualities that a cake does not. For instance, religion tries to answer all of the deepest questions that people have, and for some it would help to give a sense of their place in the universe. Religion also is the most basic form of keeping order among people. Some of the deepest questions that religion tries to answer are who are we, where do we go from here, and is this the right way that I should live my life. There are certain facts in life that we grow up knowing. For instance, we know that we age, we also know that one day we will die, and we know that time does not go back. When most parents raise their children, they try to explain to them that any thing you do will be noticed in the future. Some of the lessons that children are taught are that good things will usually be rewarded, and that bad things will normally be shunned. Another lesson taught is that time is something that you cannot recuperate, buy or steal from anyone. Then religion appears offering all the protection and answers that people have been longing for. Like I said before there are many religions around the world, for example Hinduism and Buddhism that in some way share an intimate relationship between reincarnation, karma and the nature of God.
Hinduism is the world's oldest religion; it is the third largest of all religions, and it is a way of living according to the one understands of principles of Vedas and Upanishads. Veda is revealed knowledge, which are also a sacred writings of Hindus. The Vedas are reputed to be the most ancient in the world. They contain eternal unchanging truth, and the sacred wisdom of the Vedas dominates the entire religious lives of Hindus. However, the philosophical content of Hinduism is in the Upanishads that these sacred texts reveal the search for unity in the heart of diversity.