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Daisy Miller

She is also showing her concept of America by automatically assuming the reason Daisy failed to come was that she does not like Mrs. Walker. Daisy could have other reasons, but Mrs. Walker pictures herself the center of everyone else's universes and that all Americans care about are there reputations in European cliques. .
             Quote: "But I really think that you had better not meddle with little American girls that are uncultivated, as you call them- (21).
             Device: diction.
             Speaker: Mrs. Costello.
             Commentary: Europeans refer to Americans as base and refuse to socialize with them, as is the case with Mrs. Costello and the Millers. Mrs. Costello has transformed into a foreigner and built up her own superiority complex. She sees a young American girl (Daisy) having a good time, and assumes her to be the devil reincarnate. Europeans look down on Americans who act like some of their own Europeans brethren act. The rich Europeans featured in this book view Americans as "uncultivated- when they do not act according to their high set standards. The Europeans concept of Americans is that they are a step below the Europeans. The Americans are like a skunk, pretty to look at (Daisy's superior fashion) but not to be "meddled with."".
             Double Standard.
             Quote: " when certain persons spoke of him they affirmed that the reason of his spending so much time at Geneva was that he was extremely devoted to a lady who lived there - (2).
             Speaker: narrator.
             Quote: "'Does she never allow you more than three days at a time?' asked Daisy, ironically. Doesn't she give you a vacation in the summer? There's no one so hard worked but they can get leave to go off somewhere this season. I suppose if you stay another day, she'll come after you in the boat. Do wait over until Friday, and I will go down to the landing to see her arrive!- (37-8).
             Speaker: Daisy Miller.
             Device: Diction.
             Commentary: The double standard displayed here lies in the relationship of multiple women and one man.

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