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Audience Essay

             Since that beginning of time, humans have always been fighting with each other over things, such as; food, territory, land, and sometimes things that are useless. When people get mad at a certain thing that someone has done, they become very angry and they want to do is get back at them. After they do this, all they want to do is go to war with them.
             Back in U.S History, there have been many great wars. One war that is well known is the American Revolution where the British and Rebel Americans fought over each other for the right of separation from England and the king. The rebels wanted to have their own Democracy (a political system based on rights of the people), so they went to war to try to get that from England. England didn't like this idea, and they also wanted to go to war with the rebels. It ended in a big bloody war with many battles. Finally the Rebel Americans have won the war, and England would never bother the rebellion ever again. .
             There isn't really a specific reason of war, it just our nature to fight and protect what is rightfully ours. Today, many nations are still fighting for reason that they believe is important. After these wars, they will be recorded in history. .
             Philosophy of War.
             Ever since the dawn of man, humans have been brutalizing each other for things such as food, territory, land, and sometimes for political reasons. The reasons that man goes to war are sometimes for reasons unknown to the human mind. When man gets agitated against the other group of man for a particular reason, they go to war. .
             One example of this is the Revolutionary War against Britain, one of the many great battles in United States history. What the rebellion wanted was the freedom to decide what they wanted the people wanted, and not live by a one central ruler. The rebellion fought for separ-ation toward the king of England. Also, the rebellion wanted their own form of government called Democracy, which gave people as a whole to decide what they wanted.

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