The Microsoft's operating system Windows XP is much better then Windows 98.
It also boots and shuts down faster, and has a better .
look to it.
The new member of Microsoft's family, Windows XP, is the most secure .
operating system yet. In contrast, Windows XP maintains tight control over who is who .
and who does what. You can require users to log in, so that only authorized users can .
access files. This is good not only for protecting your data but for preserving settings and .
preferences. Windows XP recognizes three kinds of users. Administrators have full .
control over all aspects of system configuration; the other two categories, Limited and .
Guest, have curtailed capabilities.
Windows XP is more stable then any other Microsoft's operating system. It can .
run for weeks, even months, crash free. This is a great improvement. It also has a "remote .
desktop", which takes control of your desktop computer at home.
XP boots much faster then Windows 98. It also shuts down faster. The time that .
Windows XP needs to boot up is only 34 seconds. The time that it needs to shut down is .
9 seconds. This is due to the fact that it doesn't rely on DOS system anymore, while .
Windows 98 still does. This means that Windows XP doesn't have to wait for DOS to .
boot up before it can boot up itself. .
Windows XP's interface is not revolutionary but it does include new themes-.
collections of color settings and background images for windows that have rounded .
corners, shading, and textured windows frames and buttons. The most significant .
interface changes are in the Start menu and the taskbar. It is much more colorful. .
In Windows 98, security was an easy-to-bypass afterthought. Anyone could read, .
edit, or delete any file on the hard disk, since neither the MS-DOS operating system .
underlying Windows 98 nor the FAT and FAT32 file systems have any mechanism for .
controlling file access, other then the simple read only flag. That's a problem for anybody .