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Energy Beam Crisis

             Gotham City crises team has come up with the following steps to ensure the safety of our people, animals and structures:.
             1. One adult from each household is to go to your assigned location and pick up your ration of P-17. Apply the P-17 to all wood structures and asphalt roofs as quickly as possible. Military personnel will be patrolling the city at all times and will assist community members as they are able. Pick-up location assignments are based on the first letter of your last name. To avoid multiple rations being given out, picture id's will be checked. Rations are already located at these sites and will be made available to the public immediately following this press conference. Please try to have this completed no later than 7pm on Monday. Assignments are as follows:.
             a. A-F - National Guard Armory located at 1513 Batman Way.
             b. G-M - Fire station located at 2120 Spiderman Way.
             c. N-S - Red Cross tents located at Popeye Park Fairgrounds.
             d. T-Z - Army Recruiting Center located at 112 Superman Court.
             2. The crises team has determined that the only way to effectively ensure the safety and well-being of all the people of Gotham City is to evacuate the city. We realize that this will be quite an undertaking and we understand that some may be hesitant to leave their homes. Regardless, we are asking the people to gather only the necessary items and leave the city. If you have nowhere outside of the city to go to or you lack the transportation - provisions have been made for you. The Red Cross in conjunction with district Lions clubs are currently in the process of setting up temporary emergency shelters outside of the city limits. The shelters will be located approximately ten miles outside of the city on Highway 103 east. Starting at 8am on Tuesday, all city busses will be transporting people to emergency shelters only. Hospitalized patients will start being evacuated and transported to other hospitals outside of the city starting this afternoon.

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