While the appearance of a tan may make a female feel sexy and give her a vibe of independence and wealth, she is defeating her purpose to look attractive because when she gets older, brown splotches of skin cancer will appear.
Most teens go to tanning booths because tanning salons promote it to be safer than natural sunlight, which isn't true. Today between 20,000 and 24,000 salons are listed in the Yellow Pages, claiming 22 million clients each year. Also, Twenty-eight percent of teenage girls and seven percent of boys are reported to have used tanning booths three or more times, but do they really know how much damage they are doing on a molecular level to their skin? Indoor tanning is one cause of the most fatal kind of skin cancer known as malignant melanoma. Collective ultraviolet rays are concentrated on the skin and evolve over time into unattractive brown splotches. Sitting in an oven on average of 20 minutes per visit is harsh towards the largest organ in your body - your skin, making it dry, itchy, and rough. Even though the tanning bed might not feel that hot, it's hot enough to make bacon grease pop like it does in a frying pan. Should your skin been slaughtered and cut up in strips to fry? No, it shouldn't be treated like foods; you will never get another strip of skin. Compare the skin on the back of your hands to your butt, if it's never seen sun. What a difference, the tone of skin color and texture is totally different, although to you indoor tanners, it seems like you think that it's attractive to have wrinkles and leathery skin by the age of 21. Skin is the only protection humans" complex muscles, bones, and nerves have from the environment. Shouldn't we be keeping it resilient, nourished, and flexible as long as possible? But of course it doesn't matter if we die young, as long as we look tan for the time being it doesn't matter how much damage we do to our skin, right? Wrong, skin cancer is the number one risk of receiving concentrated "fake" sun, which is irreversible.