In defense of conspiracy theories, those who aspire to do anything (good or bad) often meet in secret before acting out. Because the people in power and wealth tend to promote people who agree with them or have some other common bond is no conspiracy, but human nature ( .
Like previously stated, conspiracy theories are used as explanations to some unfortunate circumstances. However, these explanations are hard, if not impossible to prove. Because conspiracies usually happen in secret, the level of information is stark ( For this reason, the expression conspiracy theory is often used pejoratively to refer to allegations that the speaker considers unproven, unlikely, or false ( There is at least one other explanation of why things happen which is the "Biblical View."" Never in the bible are we encouraged to imagine that conspiracy is the grand explanation of history or the overarching issue of causality in human affairs. In fact, just the opposite is commanded ( Nevertheless, it cannot be resisted. They provide an intriguing mystery to a captive audience who Albert states have become so hungry for a quick fix conspiracy explanation that they are beginning to gravitate toward any conspiracy claim, no matter how ridiculous. In this literature, the word conspiracy theory is an attempt to justify or explain unsubstantiated facts that may support one group's beliefs that a great injustice has occurred. In addition, conspiracy theory is an umbrella term encompassing myths, urban legends, and rumors and does not limit itself to government. .
Conspiracy theories (rumors, myths, urban legends) have a long history throughout the world. They exist in just about every society but heatedly arise during political upheaval or unrest (Astier, 1992). Moreover, they are present in every aspect of life from sports to government and seem to have a never-ending life.