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Teddy's Struggle

"[The] rich man who feels that his wealth entitles him to more than his share of political, social and industrial power, is naturally against us." Human intervention from all classes through governmental reform was the key to the success for social justice. .
             Roosevelt was a person that the progressives looked to for the purpose of reforming the nation. Although Roosevelt was not a declared progressive, he had the personality and manner to create an executive branch that was more influential than in the past. The social gospel was a major part of his beliefs and he wanted to uphold the social aims of Jesus as revealed in the New Testament. Most importantly, Roosevelt saw that the least attractive form of tyranny was that of wealth (Jesus was not a rich man). In his time, companies like the railroad business were controlling every aspect of their business. This created a monopoly and allowed them to raise prices. "These men against whom we stand include the men who desire to exploit the people for their own purposes." Not only this, but the corporations had influential power in politics. The rich could "profit financially by the wicked alliance between crooked business and crooked politics." Roosevelt believed that this "boss system" was dishonest and illegal.
             Due to the fact that Roosevelt would soon have to start a campaign in 1904 for a new term, he did not aggressively reform the nation. He first merely dreamed that the government would become an arbitrator to solve the wrongs of society. To eliminate corporate abuses, the government would need to investigate every day life and then educate the public. "It is in the interest of every honest man that this alliance shall be broken up, and that we shall have a genuine rule of the people in a spirit of honesty and fair play toward all." One of his methods was using the Sherman Act of 1890: a legal principal which read that anyone injured by monopoly, trusts, legal restraint of trade can sue for damages.

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