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Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

             their patients about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and its" prevention. Pediatricians.
             should increase their awareness of maternal alcohol exposures during pregnancy to.
             help identify the possible cause of birth defects and to help identify other adverse.
             fetal outcomes in future pregnancies. Those infants and children who are thought.
             to have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome should be evaluated by a pediatrician who is.
             knowledgeable, skilled, and competent in the evaluation of neuro-development and.
             psychosocial problems. Otherwise, the necessity for a skilled evaluation requires.
             early referral to a specialist in this area. If such problems are identified or if the.
             child is considered to be at risk for the later identification of developmental.
             problems, referral should be made for early educational services available under.
             the provisions of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (PL 94-142 and.
             PL 99-457). .
             The American Academy of Pediatrics supports federal legislation that.
             would require the inclusion of health-and-safety messages in all print and.
             broadcast alcohol advertisements, based on the US Surgeon General's warning:.
             "Drinking during pregnancy may cause mental retardation and other birth defects.
             Avoid alcohol during pregnancy." The Academy supports the development of state.
             legislation that makes information about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome available at.
             marriage-licensing bureaus and other appropriate public places, including points of.
             alcohol sale. Knowing who is at risk can help our knowledge of Fetal Alcohol.
             Syndrome. And now let me explain how much a woman can drink. .
             It is not known how much a pregnant woman can safely drink without.
             damaging the fetus. The more the mother drinks the greater the risk of damage to.
             the baby. "The Syndrome occurs in anywhere from point five to three live births.
             per thousand in western countries It is estimated that between thirty and forty.
             percent of all woman who drink heavily during pregnancy will have a child.

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