Our country is witnessing the significant impact alcohol-related birth defects are.
These birth defects are caused by maternal use of alcohol.
during pregnancy which are irreversible, yet preventable. According to The.
National Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, "Fetal Alcohol Syndrome is the.
name given to a group of physical and mental birth defects that are the direct result.
of a woman's drinking during pregnancy." It impacts the family, education system,.
health system and social services in general, as well as individual losses. Fetal.
Alcohol Syndrome is considered the most common known cause of mental.
retardation in the Western World. There is no known cure for this disorder. Fetal.
Alcohol Syndrome is the only cause of birth defects that are totally one hundred.
percent preventable. Through education and intervention these defects can be.
stopped. In knowing how Fetal Alcohol syndrome can be prevented, what the.
symptoms are, and who and what makes up the risk factors Fetal Alcohol.
syndrome can be better understood. Americans need to consider the life of their.
children, and need to learn about fetal alcohol syndrome, know its effects, and how.
to diagnose it. Let's begin by looking at education.
Communities, schools, and concerned individuals can help to prevent Fetal.
Alcohol Syndrome, through education and intervention. Special efforts should be.
directed toward educating women, prior to and during the childbearing years,.
regarding the harmful effects of alcohol on the developing fetus. Major efforts at.
all levels of society should be made to develop quality educational programs.
regarding the deleterious consequences of alcohol on the unborn child. These.
programs should be integrated into mandatory curriculum for all high school.
students. They should be a part of the educational curriculum in all post-secondary.
and adult centers of learning. Pediatricians and other health professionals caring.
for women and their newborns should increase their own awareness and that of.