Much fighting went on, and as this happened the German man saw the Amulet for the staff lying in some rubbish engulfed in flames. He proceeded to acquire it, which lead to him burning his hand. After all the Nazi's were dead, the evil German man escaped and Marion and Indy acquired the Amulet, before the pub burnt down. This fiasco convinced Marion to let Indy have the Amulet, but under the condition that she could accompany him on his quest. She will help Indy much along the way but also cause him trouble.
Indy and Marion traveled to a city somewhere in the desert. There Indy met up with his next little helper Sallah. Sallah gaves Indy a safe place for he and Marion to stay. It is not so safe however, because a cute little monkey warms a way into there heart, who was trained to steal the amulet. While in this town, Indy decides to go to this little restaurant, where he runs into his arch nemesis Belloq. There Jones faces another obstacle for Belloq tries to recruit Indy to his team. Even though tempted, Indy does not accept Belloq's offer and even goes as far as trying to kill him. This is not met kindly because it seemed all the people in the restaurant were Belloq's guards; and as Indy threatened the life of his foe he soon found himself in the predicament of his life being threatened. However, the day is save by a group of Sallah's children running into the restaurant, surrounding Indiana, and escorting him back to the house. The next day just as Indy and Marion were ready to leave, the Nazi's bombarded them and demanded they be given the Amulet. A chase occurs, which leads to Marion hiding in a tall basket. Our tricky little monkey gives Marion away by making racket and jumping up and down on the basket. The Nazi's soon find her and load her basket into a military truck. Indy like prince in a fairy tale, jumps on his beautiful white horse to save her. He rides after the truck, but is too late.