Having our troops in .
Afghanistan, dying for our country and fighting the good fight (for the US) has done .
wonders for our relations with the United States. Even though our beloved Princess .
Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry didn't have desert combat uniforms, or fancy .
equipment, we were and are still respected internationally for assisting in the fight against .
terrorism. Indirectly we assisted the Americans in Iraq by freeing up their resources in .
Afghanistan to move into Iraq.
Canada has a reputation world wide as a peace keeping nation. We are not viewed as war .
mongers or policy imposers like the United States. Canada has a strong desire to maintain .
this pristine image to the rest of the world. Even though Canada has contributed .
immensely to world peace and the fight against terror, there are still Americans who .
believe we do not pull our weight in the international scene of military muscle. What .
most of these Americans don't realize is the fact Canada only has a population of thirty .
million. How can we possibly have an army comparable to the United States with a .
population such as this? Yes, there is room for improvement. It is common knowledge .
that our armed forces in severely under funded. How can we possibly fulfill what the .
Americans have asked from us. Our Armed Forces is almost at the breaking point in .
Afghanistan, and the United States expects us to assist them in full fledged combat in .
Iraq? I think not! The Americans know our Armed Forces is severely neglected, so why .
do they threaten consequences for our non -involvement in Iraq when we have done so .
much already in Afghanistan? .
One of the solutions to help improve Canada and United States relations would be to get .
rid of Prime Minister Jean Chrétien before February 2004. What kind of leadership has .
Jean Chrétien shown over the past three years? What does Jean Chrétien stand for? He .
only knows that.