foods have been reported as the cause of violence and homicide in a number of .
studies. Certain allergies can affect the nervous system and is able to reduce .
most of the learning during childhood. Additionally, this may in fact lead to .
delinquency as well to criminal behavior in adults. There are also reports of some .
studies that have initially implicated the use of food additives, for example, .
monosodium glutamate, dyes and artificial flavorings that had been acquired towards.
this criminal behavior.
Vitamins have also played a role in the delinquency among children. Abram Hoffer was .
Able to report that children who were disruptive, had consumed less than the amount.
of levels of vitamins B3 and B6. He also found out that adding these vitamins to these.
children's diets, it would then prove that it would be able to hinder their unruly.
behavior and have some improvement in their studies at school.
Biologists have a theory that crime can also be linked to heredity and the environment.
Sarnoff Mednick, for example, was able to find some understanding for the claim that the .
autonomic nervous system, also know as ANS, had been known to predispose some .
individuals toward criminal behavior by being able to in fact limit their ability to .
learn quickly. There have also been individuals that were born with abnormalities.
of the brain, and the frontal lobe dysfunction can also lead to violence.
This frontal lobe dysfunction is in part due to the reduced flow of cerebral blood flow.
Studies of children adopted at birth have shown a tendency for the criminality of .
Biological parents to be reflected in the behavior of their children, independent of the.
environment in which children were raised. Additionally, identical twins were also .
able to show a much greater similarity in this type of behavior as opposed to non identical.
twins. A study has also shown that these identical twins were the same in patterns, and .