Currently, the laws in regards to impaired driving in Canada are .
Impaired driving will affect one in three Canadians during .
their lifetimes. But no matter how many times you've heard it, there .
are people who just don't get it. In fact, every 30 minutes, someone in .
this country dies in an alcohol-related crash. (1) Last years alone .
over one million people were injured in alcohol-related traffic crashes. .
Is it worth putting yourself at risk? For the purpose of this paper, the .
following will be studied. The effect of alcohol to the body, how .
alcohol affects the way people drive, how alcohol is virtually available .
to anyone, and how over 100 organizations in Canada are working to .
stop impaired driving.
Alcohol has many effects on the body. Not only is it very .
dangerous, but it can take an enormous toll on your body. (2) About .
twenty percent of alcohol is absorbed through stomach, and almost .
all of the rest is absorbed through the small intestine. When someone .
drinks on an empty stomach, the blood absorbs the alcohol quickly. .
The body also absorbs higher amounts of alcohol, such as mixed .
drinks or shots, very quickly. This makes the drinker to become .
intoxicated. After drinking, people usually feel pleasure and become .
talkative at first. The feelings are usually replaced by drowsiness as .
the alcohol is leaves the body, and the drinker quiet.
This pattern often encourages people to drink more to .
keep the buzz going. Immediate medical attention is necessary if a .
person becomes unconscious, and won't wake up or respond, or .
seems to have trouble breathing. Drinking a large amount of alcohol .
in a short period of time can damage the centers of the brain that .
control breathing and cause people to pass out or even die. It is very .
dangerous to combine alcohol with other drugs, especially those that .
make you sleepy. Most alcohol is absorbed in the liver and then taken .
out. When someone drinks more alcohol than their liver can handle .