Near the end of the scene Lomax says something to Barzoon, which causes him to become extremely angry. At this point, rather than cutting to the reaction of Barzoon the camera swoops round to face him. This is a drastic change in the style of camera movement. By doing it the audience is being told to watch carefully at Barzoon's response, which the swooping motion was an obvious build up to. The scene ends with Barzoon jogging away from Lomax in a point-of-view shot, which can be seen as a symbol of Barzoon leaving both the Lomax's life and the film itself as he is soon to be killed.
The second scene takes place in the office of Al Pacino's character, John Milton but it is intercut with Barzoon jogging around a reservoir in central park. Instantly we are given a drastic change of setting. Milton's office is a grand room built in a gothic style. This style brings connotations of evil and an image of hell. Large steel pillars stand at the end of the room framing a centralised desk, presenting it as an important point. It is from here that he controls everything. The pillars are uplit and there is a visible fire behind the desk, which gives the impression of a fire raging below, as if from hell. All of the walls are painted black and there is only artificial light in the room. This entire dark, grandiose, gothic atmosphere presents Milton as a very powerful and evil man. We see Milton; sitting at first, with his arms outstretched over a sofa and behind him a large globe. This seating position and the fact that he wears pyjamas and a dressing gown gives him an air of calm combined with a high status while the globe represents his power over the world. Lomax is standing at this point but this changes as Milton gets up and begins to speak and Lomax sits down. This presents Milton as a more important figure as Lomax's sitting shows he is listening to what Milton has to say.
The scene then cuts to a shot of the sky through bare autumn trees.