Napoleons attempt to conquer Egypt was clearly the first real attempt at colonization in that region of the world, especially, in that era, and what resulted from it was a mad scramble to grab pieces of land for the purpose of colonization from countries like Britain, Belgium, Portugal, Spain, Holland, Italy and many others. Thus, for a significant part of the 19th century, Egypt, despite being under Turkish Ottoman colonization, directed its focus towards avoiding colonization from the western world. However, their success proved to be very limited. Under pressure from primarily France, Britain, and Russia, Abdul Hamid II, the Caliph under the Ottoman Empire issued a creed approving the Tanzimat Reforms. The Tanzimat reforms allowed legions of all three armies to station troops inside the Ottoman Empire, including in regions close to and in Egypt. The stated goal was to protect minority groups who France, Britain, and Russia claimed they were responsible for. However, the reality was that this method of protection was an attempt to infiltrate the Ottoman Empire and establish strongholds for eventual conquest. "During the final decades of the nineteenth century, the major European powers expanded their overseas empires and, whenever possible, protected their principal imperial possessions by entering into agreements among themselves or by neutralizing the rulers of territories bordering on those possessions-(Cleveland, pg.102). Thus, the legality of the Tanzimat reforms would foreshadow the conquest of the region, particularly Egypt at the hands of the colonial powers. .
"The British occupation of Egypt produced one of the most significant colonial encounters of the modern era. It shaped Egyptian economic development for several decades, it had an impact on the formation of the country's political leadership, and it became the focus of an ant imperial nationalist movement that affected Egyptian (and British) politics for the first half of the twentieth century- (Cleveland, pg.