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A Teenage Wasteland

             If you currently are, or can remember back to your teenage years, you can defiantly remember the many conflicts you had with your parents, and all the times you disagreed with them. In the story "Teenage Wasteland", there are many examples of conflicts between Donny, and his mother Daisy. The reader would feel the most sympathy to Daisy because of the following specific reasons: First, because Donny never seems to take the time to consider how his mother feels, when Daisies" whole concern lies solely on Donny. The second reason to sympathize with Daisy is that she tries to send Donny to a physiologist, even though it was very expensive, and the psychologist Cal ends up turning Donny more against Daisy. Lastly, the fact that Donny had the fortitude to run away, not even considering the effects something like that would have on his family, especially Daisy. These three specific examples so the reader a strong case on how Daisy is much more likely to catch the readers sympathy then Donny.
             Throughout the story "Teenage Wasteland", the lack of concern or care that Donny seems to show toward his family is quite obvious, especially toward his mother Daisy. "Daisy was often late starting supper, and she couldn't give as much attention to Donny's younger sister." This shows the direct effect that Donny's actions has had on the family, and how Daisy continued to ignore the rest of her family in order to try to help Donny with his problems. Yet after this obvious effort that Daisy has given to the cause, Donny seems to be unconcerned with his actions, and just seems to ignore the effect that it has on his family. Actions like this are displayed throughout the whole story, and are one of the main points in displaying to the reader that Daisy deserves the sympathy over Donny.
             The second point that proves the reader should show sympathy to Daisy is the fact that they chose to send Donny to a psychologist, even though he was very expensive.

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