• With appropriate personalized supports over a sustained period, the life functioning of the person with mental retardation generally will improve. (www.aamr.org).
There are four broad types of mental retardation: mild, moderate, severe, and profound. Mild cases comprise nearly 85% of people with retardation. They tend to learn at a slower pace, academically peaking around the 6th grade level. Most can work and live successfully if helped when stressed. Some may even marry and have families. Moderate retardation makes up about 10% of the cases. They usually peak academically around the 2nd grade level. Most can do simple tasks to care for themselves (eat, dress, going to the restroom, and other simple tasks.) Most can work low-skilled jobs with supervision. About 3-4% of people who suffer from mental retardation fall under the "severe" category. These individuals may or may not learn basic self-care skills and usually live in group homes or with their families. Profound retardation makes up only 1-2% of the population. These individuals require constant care, and can speak and understand language very little. A neurological condition is usually the cause for their retardation. IQ tests are usually the main source of diagnosis. For a mild condition to be diagnosed, the IQ must fall between 50-70. Moderate follows at 35-50, then severe at 19-35, and finally profound with an IQ less than 20.
The signs and symptoms of this condition can include the following:.
Symptoms appear before the child is 18 years old. .
Children with MR have low intelligence and have problems functioning in everyday life.
They score very low on a test that measures mental ability. .
They learn more slowly than other children their same age. .
Children with MR often have other physical and emotional problems. .
They may have trouble hearing, seeing, or speaking. .
They may have problems communicating and socializing (having conversations, making wise judgments, etc.