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The Purpose of a Biography

" Even though this period must have been a very challenging time for the subject, it was reported on within only two pages, whereas in contrast his failed operation to try and reattach his foreskin was reported upon within three pages. This extreme difference in length indicates that the facts reported upon must be incomplete and unbalanced. An example of this is at the end of the biography the reader is left with the subject moving to Australia with his family in 1949 at the ripe age of 32. However it does not go on to report on his life in Australia. With such gaps in the storyline of this biography how is it possible that all the facts are comprehensive, and therefore how can reader expectations be met. Consequently any reader hoping to gain some insight as to how such a great man fared in Australian society during the last fifty-four years of his life is doomed to disappointment. .
             The purpose of a biography is to report on a person's life in an informative and entertaining manner. If a writer reporting on a subjects life has a biased opinion, then the facts are incomprehensive and inaccurate because they are influenced by the writers opinion, therefore the information may be called more fiction than fact. Bias is the unbalanced presentation of information or ideas so that what is conveyed is one-sided opinions, attitudes or points of view. Unfortunately it is human nature to alter information so that the individual may better understand it, however this only caters for the writer not for the majority of readers. Consequently reader expectations can never be met because the writer has already censored the information reported. There is biased reporting of facts in the featured biography. An example of said bias can be seen in the situation where the subject was sent out in the working parties, while in one of the German death camps. However before he leaves he hands over his last ten-dollar coin to one of his fellow prisoners for safekeeping.

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