The great mathematician Eratosthenes was born in Cyrene, North Africa (now Shahhat, Libya), in about 285 B.C. (O"Conner 1) He would go on to live in Athens, Greece and then Alexandria, where he was named Librarian of the Royal Library of Alexandria; he would eventually become known as "The Great Alexandrian Scholar" (Fraser 4) and the "Pentathlete" (Mahoney 542).
One of Eratosthenes" most famous works was the Platonicus, which dealt with the mathematics underlying Plato's philosophies. The book is now lost forever, but records show that it dealt with such topics as the basic definitions of geometry and arithmetic, as well as covering music. (O"Conner 1) The most important of Eratosthenes" findings is his ingenious measurement of the earth's circumference; he was able to measure the angle between the sun's rays and a perpendicular line at the same time in Alexandria (Mahoney 541).
Eratosthenes also worked on prime numbers, and is remembered for his prime number sieve, the "Sieve of Eratosthenes," which, in modified form, is still an important tool in number theory research (O"Conner 2). It ultimately eliminates all multiples of the successive prime numbers beginning with 2 (Mahoney 543). The sieve can help solve math problems such as this one: "What are all the prime numbers up to 100?" (Stanton 13). Using the sieve, we can write down all the integers from 2-100 in columns following a certain pattern. We start with 2 and then cross out every second number after it up to 100; then, we circle 3 and then cross out every third number after it and so on. In the end, all the circled numbers will reveal all the prime numbers of 100. (Stanton 14).
Eratosthenes also made a surprisingly accurate measurement of the Earth's circumference, detailed in his treatises, On the Measurement of the Earth, which is also lost. He assumed that the sun was so far away that its rays were essentially parallel, and then with a knowledge of the distance between Syene and Alexandria, he gave the length of the circumference of the Earth as 250,000 stadia.
Economic and social effects Agriculture Large expanses of fertile land were found around the shores of the Black Sea, at Cyrene in North Africa, in southern Italy and in Sicily. ... Colony of Cyrene in North Africa The colony of Cyrene on the coast of North Africa was founded in approximately 630 BC. ... (Herodotus book IV) Battus ruled at Cyrene for forty years according to Herodotus (book IV) and while he ruled the number of people in the town remained equal to that of the original settlers. ...
Greek legacies are their governmental systems, culture and arts, and science and technology. Classical Greece was a time where the growth of a community held strong through times of plague, wars, and numerous breakthroughs. A major legacy left by classical Greece was a government based on d...
Augustus and Rome Octavian better known as Augustus was the adopted son of Julius Caesar. Caesar was assassinated by a group of senators led by Brutus and Cassius on the steps of the Roman senate on March 15, 44 B.C. The assasin's thought that Caesar was hiring uneligible people as representativ...
Miss [Rosemary] Woolf has noted [in her "Doctrinal Influences on 'The Dream of the Rood,'" Medium Aevum XXVII a series of departures from scriptural accounts of the crucifixion in the Cross's speech, the first being that neither Christ nor Simon of Cyrene carries the cross: "That the cross is already in position and watches Christ advancing to it seems to be the poet's own variation. ...
The Alexandrian Library was founded by Ptolemy I (ruled Egypt 323 - 283 BC) in 4th century BC. Prior to the establishment of the "Great Library," owning books was uncommon and only a few private libraries existed. The Alexandrian Library was thought to have been modelled on Aristotle's collection ...
Many of the words used today in the English language originated from Greek. Greek legacies are their governmental systems, culture and arts, and science and technology. Classical Greece was a time where the growth of a community held strong through times of plague, wars, and numerous breakthroughs. ...
Many of the words used today in the English language originated from Greek. Greek legacies are their governmental systems, culture and arts, and science and technology. Classical Greece was a time where the growth of a community held strong through times of plague, wars, and numerous breakthroughs. ...
Throughout the years, the history of mathematics has taken its fair share of changes. It has stretched across the world from the Far East, migrating into the Western Hemisphere. One of the most fundamental and key principles of mathematics has been the quadratic formula. Having been used in several...