Getting to our destination as fast as we can. It is believed that the last sanctuary we have, the last private space we experience is that of our cars. This is a major reason we don't like to carpool or use mass transit. The car is now our free time. Time to unwind and relax. But that has changed fast.
Most people live day-to-day in a fast paced get it done yesterday world. When we get into our cars, it is our time. We can listen to the day's news, tune to a classical station to unwind to Mozart or put in the latest Metallica c.d. This has now been taken away from us with the advent of beepers computers cell phones and even portable t.v.'s. It has invaded our private time and robbed us of those last few personal moments we enjoy.
Road Rage has taken grip of the American road like no other. The highways and streets are now under attack. Roads are fast becoming unsafe. What was once a law-abiding driver is now an out of control maniac behind a two-ton weapon. Respect for laws and others are fading fast.
There are many reasons for Road Rage. Time, road conditions, traffic, bad drivers, too many cars, road construction, etc. but the number one reason seems to be time. Our lives have become so busy filled with so many activities besides work. There are children, school, sports, clubs, shopping, running the household and/or business and keeping those appointments. We keep coming up with new ways to make every facet of life faster; speed and quickness, no waiting, this is the age of four minute microwave dinners that make us impatient waiting for them to finish cooking! There is no time to wait. No time to wait for slow drivers, traffic lights, speed limits or anyone in our way.
Should we build bigger roads to accommodate the over population of cars? Should we limit the number of cars a person or family can own? There is no easy or likely answer to these questions we face. Our only defense is to stay calm, consider there may be traffic and allow extra time to travel.