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Impact of Social Control on the Development of Society in Ge

The social control prevails as we know by these individuals they have norms and values even a role of status that other individuals thrive to achieve and develop the society.
             Example, An individual knows he can have a good status job such as a lawyer, doctor, manager, etc., he knows these jobs are of high status, to achieve it he will have to study, improve his skills, this leads to development of the society as a whole.
             Interestingly, the implications of the definition of social control given above become most evident in the context of cognition: beyond innate properties and cultural determinants, it is the formation of an individual cognitive model that allows a person to satisfy her needs and wants. In most societies people invest a considerable, if not the major, amount of their energy in the aspiration of the highest possible social status they can achieve. But even in humanist societies where basically nobody is excluded from even the highest levels of the social hierarchy, the places at the top of this hierarchy remain scarce by definition (cf. Hirsch 1977).
             Typically, people in the top positions employ the right strategies, skills, ideas, convictions and the like in the right situations. In evolutionary terms, they can be thought of as using a cognitive model, or a set of hypotheses, that is better adapted to the actual social environment than those of their less successful competitors. In this specific case of socially scarce positions, the knowledge as to how to achieve them is psychically very attractive and would readily be adopted by other people.
             Since it is one of the major purposes of the present analysis to elaborate on a more theoretical level a potential mechanism for the process of cultural evolution of norms and values and to specify the conditions that assure its efficient function, the provision of a comprehensive development of a society, systematic documentation of cultural evolution at work between actual societies is intended here.

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