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The Labour Goverment of 1945

The Liberals looked into and made reforms for areas such as child welfare, sickness, unemployment, old age and they also introduced measures to cover those seeking work and those in work.
             In 1906 there was a cautious measure to provide food to needy children. This was not compulsory and many local educational authorities did not do this. It wasn't until 1914 that free school meals for needy children were made compulsory.
             In 1907 medical inspections in schools were compulsory and school boards had the power to take action against parents who allowed their children to come to school in a filthy or verminous state. From 1912 school clinics were set up to provide free medical treatment. The 1908 children's charter protected children from cruelty. Child offenders were sent to juvenile courts and instead of being sent to prison they were placed in brostals or put on probation. Parents guilty of neglect could be fined. .
             Before the old age pension was introduced, if old people became too weak or ill to work they had to go into the workhouse. This was seen as very humiliating and it was made out to be extremely shameful and your own fault if you had to go into these places. When the Liberals came to power they introduced the old age pension in 1908, this was for all those over 70 years old whose income was under 60p a week. This was quite an ineffective reform as the qualifying age of 70 was too high and the amount of money given was too low to survive on.
             Part one of the National Insurance Act of 1911 introduced Health Insurance for all low-wage earners. All workers who were under 70 and earned less than £160 a year had to insure themselves.
             Health insurance was introduced as a sickness benefit, this gave mothers maternity benefit that was 30's and sick workers got free medical examinations and medicine from a panel' of doctors.
             Part two of the National Insurance Act of 1911 introduced unemployment insurance for trades with high seasonal unemployment.

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