Anorexics mentally calculate calories; they think about when they last ate and they will eat again, and how many calories they have to burn off before they eat again. They are completely infatuated with their body and how many ounces they have lost or gained and how thing they can become (Rumney 15). "Anorexia can affect anyone" (Harmon 72). "Most often, eating disorders affect teenage girls and young women; females are estimated to be seven to ten times more likely to develop and eating disorder than males" (Harmon 9). Unfortunately, many males tend to hide their disorder so there could be more than statistics who (Graves 13). "Currently, around ten percent of people with anorexia are males (Graves 14). "Studies estimate that one out of every two-hundred young women has anorexia and that they have an eighty-five percent chance of obtaining the disease before they age of twenty" (Graves 14). Athletes, dancers, skaters, models, and performers are more susceptible to having anorexia than any other profession. Anorexia is also found in perfectionists, members of weight conscious families, and teens with low self-image (Harmon 73). The perfectionist is at a higher risk of having anorexia because they show signs that result in anorexia. Some perfectionist lack a since of self-esteem because they believe that their worth can only be measured in terms of their accomplishments (Rumeny 5). Most often it is a combination of these influences that cause someone to have anorexia (Abraham 39).
The media has a tremendous influence on society and what society thinks and wants. "one has only to open the morning newspaper, read a women's magazine, or watch television to become instantly aware of the thinness of advertising models and movie and television starts today, as well as of aggressively merchandised [advertised] weight-reduction programs and products. Magazine and tabloid newspapers regularly include articles describing "new" or "foolproof" diets plans and we subject ourselves to them (Nardo 47).