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Sherman Alexie and the Best American Poetry of 2015

            Every year a compilation of dignified poetic pieces is grouped into one collection of honorable work to be published, better known as the Best American Poetry. In the "Introduction" of the 2015 edition of the Best American Poetry (BAP), Native American poet and writer, Sherman Alexie recounts the extensive editorial processes and difficulties he endured in order to compile the best 75 poetic works of 2015.
             In pursuance of taking on this editorial responsibility for the Best American Poetry. Alexie prepared himself by thoroughly analyzing all previous editions of (BAP), paying close mind to the structural elements that heavily influenced the content of the work. Alexie himself more prominently outlines them, "I carefully studied each year's edition of BAP and was highly critical of the aesthetic range cultural and racial representation, gender equality, and nepotism." Alexie emphasizes this in depth, an analytical breakdown of past editions in order to remind us how seriously he takes the publication of (BAP). Alexie also took further precautions in order to make his poetic compilations as fair as possible. Alexie himself writes, "I must first tell you that I established rules for myself before I even read one poem for potential inclusion in BAP 2015." This supports Alexie's claim that he's making a conscious effort to be as impartial as possible in his selection. These eleven rules were put into place to reinforce Alexie's efforts to be as fair-minded as possible.
             The effects of the eleven rules put in place as guidelines for Alexie's selection culminated a seemingly impartial selection. This is supported when Alexie states that, "Approximately 60% of the poets are female. Approximately 40% of the poets are people of color. Approximately 20% of the poems employ strong to moderate formal elements. Approximately 15% of the poems were first published on the Internet.

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