The laws in the Netherlands have not prevented euthanasia abuse and have even gone as far as to preform euthanasia upon patients who have not requested it and also are considering its use for infants(Emanuel). .
Just because something is legal, as is physician-assisted suicide in Oregon, does not make it right. Did you know that suicide is legal? Suicide and attempted suicide is not against the law. So, instead of trying to help these people with problems of suicidal tendencies we should be supplying them with the means and method of how to finish the job next time (Carter 588). That is absurd! It is the same dilemma with active euthanasia, we should be providing a "better end-of- life experience" in our society without killing. Those who promote active euthanasia tend to want to eliminate "the problem of suffering by eliminating the sufferer" (qtd. May 662). .
The idea that life is so easily dispensed of, presents the idea that anyone has the right to bring about death. God is the giver of life and he should be the one to take life away where ideas of active euthanasia are concerned. But all do not agree with this philosophy and feel that each individual has the right to choose. Here in lies part of the problem with euthanasia. Who has the right to decide when and how a person should die? Just because a patient has the right to refuse medical treatment, this does not allow him the same right to request any treatment he wants. In other words, he doesn't have the right to request assistance to die just because he feels this is correct treatment. If this were the case, then patients would not require prescriptions to get medications, but could simply purchase whatever they felt they needed. Even though patients have a right to make decisions about their own body, it is not enough to justify the legalization of .