On the CD I have the "Imperial March" by Metallica and compared to the John Williams version, the mood created is different. Metallica uses a lot of percussion and speed, and a wide variety of different instruments to the John Williams "Star Wars Theme". John Williams uses a wider range of classical instruments, larger and smaller, including light percussion, flutes, violins, trumpets, trombones, and horns. Whereas Metallica use a wide variety of more contemporary instruments including electric guitars, heavy percussion, clarinets, saxophones, trumpets. .
The essence of music is a recurring pattern of tension and release. Rhythm is the pattern of the music, the order, the way in which the music is made to flow through time. Usually a pulse, or strong beat is used to emphasise beats in a bar, or measure. The beat or pulse, divides the music into equal units of time. The meter is the organization of beats into regular groups, called bars or measures. .
In "Cowboy Bebop" by Tank it begins using strong accents (^) on trumpets. If a tone is played or sung loudly or with a unique quality, the tone is said to have a strong accent. In this piece of Jazz, the swing beat gives a lighter sense of rhythm. The musicians only use bass for emphasis to cerate an energetic, quick tempo, pace, with improvisation and the use of stop time. .
The use of stop time adds effect to the syncopated rhythm. Either intentionally or accidentally the drummers and rhythm fall out of synchronisation. This rhythm clash gives the effect of multiple layers, or polyrhythm, and adds an energetic flow, an essential key to jazz rhythms. Syncopation is where an accent is moved to a weak, or off beat.
Music Notation is the way that music is written to show the length, pitch, volume, and emphasis of each note played. Repeats, tension and relaxation, tempo and intervals can be shown and expressed in detail through the use of music notation.