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Eatonville, West Florida, and the Development of Janie Crawford

With Janie never really having to work hard to have anything of her own she was thrown off at Killicks request for her to do farm work, Killicks complains that she's spoiled. He says "Yo' Grandma and me myself done spoilt you now, and Ah reckon Ah have to keep on wid it" (26). Janie's beginnings in West Florida is the start of Janie being developed as a the person that people always felt the need to take care of and it continues when she meet Joe Starks.
             The role of Eatonville in the economical development of Janie Crawford furthers that idea of Janie being the person people feel the need to take of. From the moment Joe and Janie meet Joe expresses to Janie that she looks like a lady that needs be treated like a lady with class. He says,"A pretty doll baby lak you is made to sit on de front porch and rock and fan yo'self and eat p'taters that other folks plant special just for you"(27). He then tells her that "You ain't never knowed what it was to be treated lak a lady and Ah wants to be de one to show ya" (27). Joe does exactly that when he becomes mayor of Eatonville, and Janie, the mayor's wife. Starks had a new dignity and pride with being mayor and wanted Janie to feel that superiority too. For example, he rejects a dress that was made for her and bought a new fancy one because as the mayor's wife she was not suppose to look like the rest of the common women folks. When their house was finally built, bigger than the rest in Eatonville, Joe has a piano put in that neither of them can play, Janie questions it and Joe's simple response was that it was just for decoration, showing the wealth that they had. Even the after the death of Joe Starks many of men in the town showed interest in Janie because she was a wealthy widow. From Janie's humble beginnings in west Florida to her privileged life in Eatonville, those places play of huge role in her development but Janie develops in more ways than one.

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