In addition, Hector is respected by both the Trojans as well as the Greeks, so much so that both armies stop what they are doing in order to listen to his proposal. Homer seems to be gratified by the respect Hector has earned from the people, and he leads the reader to conclude that someone who is so respected by the masses is someone we should admire and try to imitate.
Hector is also a fearless leader. He guides numerous counter-attacks on the Greeks. Homer depicts Hector as having an internal sense of responsibility toward the city of Troy, much more than the other warriors, who fight for a feeling of personal glory and accomplishment. Homer gives Hector a high stature, illustrating how Hector's impressive abilities far outweigh those of any other Trojan warrior. Hector is not scared of death, instead he acknowledges that "no man will hurl me down to Death, against my fate. And fate? No one alive has ever escaped it, neither brave man nor coward, I tell you- it's born with us the day that we are born" (6.581-584). Hector knows that whether he chooses to fight in the war or not, fate will determine his time of death. Rather than choosing to be a coward, he recognizes that his city is in dire need of his help, so he steps up to lead the army. While other characters might lead a battle or a counter-attack, Hector is the one main Trojan leader throughout the entire book. During the course of the counter-attacks on the Greeks, Hector remains the leader, whereas within the Greek forces, there are several individuals who take turns leading the different attacks. This shows Hector's bravery and determination to lead his people into peace and success. In addition, he is the forerunner that breaks through the Greek's protective wall that is placed around the perimeter of their war camp. He shouts the war cry, "Fight for your country-that is the best, the only omen!" (12.