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Ethics of Social Media in the Business World

Social media also can help spread information throughout a company. In doing so, employees who are more informed and feel that their opinions are heard, will be more engaged in the office[ CITATION SHR12 l 1033 ]. Likewise, social media allows employees to provide immediate feedback while not in the office. For example, if a company posts information about a new program, employees have the ability to comment and share how they feel instantly. On the marketing side of business, social media can offer advertising opportunities where the message will reach millions of people, in a matter of seconds[ CITATION SHR121 l 1033 ]. Through social media, companies can take advantage of fast word travels. People across the world can connect instantly through social media and simply "liking" a page on Facebook or retweeting something on Twitter, can take off virally swiftly. Furthermore, people tend to use social media sites to look for reviews on products and services to help in buying decisions. A company that utilizes the marketing tool that is social media will connect more to the consumers and in turn increase sales and profits[ CITATION Adm12 l 1033 ]. Social Media can also be used as a very effective learning tool. A company by the name of Marsh Inc., uses blogging as an official financial training tool. Their finance department created a blog that was used in helping instruct finance to a groups within the company[ CITATION SHR12 l 1033 ]. .
             Negative Aspects of Social Media in the Workplace.
             Even though social media may be used as an essential tool in business, there are a number of potential risks that a company may face, if not effectively managed. The biggest concern of management with the use of social media in the workplace is the mis-utilization of time, while employees are on the clock. The National Business Ethics Survey of Social Networkers surveyed over 2,000 workers and found that 3 out of 4 people spend some amount of time while on a social network while at work.

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