A push or pull must be applied in order to move something. For instance, throwing a ball to the intended position. An object is immobile without applying a force to it. Also, there are different types of force regarding different types of motion. The study of relative position, speed, and acceleration can be defined as motion. Motion is easy to understand since it is around us everywhere in our daily lives. For example, a train moving across a railroad, a bicycle's moving, flying of an airplane, the continuously changing positon of an athlete with respect to the audience are sitting at rest are considered as motion.
Sorts of Motion.
There are many different types of motion, but rotational, translational, and vibrational (oscillatory) motions are the three main type of motion. The motion or rotation of an object around its center of mass is called a rotational motion. Rotational motion is also called circular motion where a stayed body in a place turns around about an axis. This means that rotational motion follows a path which is curved. The center of an object's mass can be described as a point in the object from which if one takes any two opposite directions, he will get the same amount of mass. The examples of rotational are wheels of a car, a rotation fan, and the rotation of the earth around its own axis.
When an object moves from one point to the other point in space, the object is in translational motion. Therefore, translational motion can be described as an object's movement from a place to another place. In theoretical terms, it is possible for translational motion to occur along a curved path. But practically, the occurrence of translational motion is more often along a straight paths or lines. A bullet which is fired from a gun, and the movement of a car along a straight line are only a few examples of translational motion. An object which is in vibration or oscillation, it is considered to be in a vibrational motion in an interrupted manner.