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AP Environmental Science - Course Reflection

My view of how we as humans are treating our environment has changed and I have a much better understanding of the damage that is being done and of the need for change. This will definitely impact my decision on who to support and vote for in upcoming elections.
             While I knew that climate change and pollution were serious problems I did not know how environmental problems could impact our culture and economy. With climate change comes increased temperatures on earth and also an increase in the number of extreme weather events. One example of an economic impact we learned about was a village in Alaska that depended on salmon fishing for their existence. The fishermen were coming in with smaller catches each year and realized that the salmon were staying out in deeper water because the water temperatures had been rising. This made them much harder to catch and seriously hurt the fishermen and their whole community. I had also heard something similar to this from my cousin who lived in Maine and worked as a lobsterman. He said that in Maine the lobster numbers had been good recently but they were getting worse and worse down in Massachusetts because the water was warming up there and the lobster moved north. He said that the lobstermen in Massachusetts were in trouble because of this and it affected entire towns. There are also extreme examples of how climate change could affect society. In developing countries where people depend on farming for their livelihood, increasing temperatures, severe weather events, and water shortages could destroy their way of life and cause them to have to migrate to other countries in order to survive. Over time, as water and food shortages continue the chance of a major conflict will grow. The economic and social impacts of environmental changes are very real and could get out of hand if actions are not taken around the world. As I learned more about what climate change could lead to both here at home and across the world I became more aware of stories in the news on the subject.

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