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Speech - Women and Mental Health

I was always super shy and intimidated in the classroom because I was constantly hearing that girls are not "as good as" boys academically. I was never nearly.
             praised for my accomplishments as boys were, therefore, even being a very intelligent child, I could never feel good enough about my work; I lacked a lot of confidence and often found myself feeling anxious, distressed and depressed. Psychology explains that these are common symptoms that girls experience within this age-frame. The female gender tends to internalize emotions a lot more than boys, making them more vulnerable to psychological problems.
             There was a study conducted in 2002 by Pomerantz and colleagues, where middle school kid's performance in 4 different subjects was assessed. Listen to this, this is remarkable! Findings showed that girls outperformed the boys in all subjects, yet girls experienced much more anxiety and depression than boys did. Girls tended to ruminate more and evaluate themselves more negatively, ergo, their self-esteem and self-worth showed to be lowered as a.
             cause of their own academic underestimation. The girls didn't think they were good enough compared to boys, which is exactly how many of us have felt in the past. Generally, although girls may be making the grade, they still do not think that they are as competent and good as boys are. The implication of this as explained by psychologist Susan Harte is that girls' belief in their lack of competency will continue to lower their self-worth as well as make them more prone to having depression. Isn't incredible how mental health is at risk even in the early years of childhood?! Wow. I hope that you all can agree that it's necessary to understand the female gender at each stage so we can avoid these things. Women's mental health teaches us how to be more aware of the issues faced at each developmental stage and it helps us consider measures which we could use to avoid the development of psychological disorders.

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