While Barbie to scale would be 6'9' and 110 lbs and according to BMI that would be considered anorexic. .
Advertisements aren't the only type of tactic media uses, social media a worldwide phenomenon that has gotten increasingly popular over the years. Teens are posting pictures constantly of themselves trying to look their best to get the most "likes." Young girls that get on Instagram and start to feel insecure about themselves because they see another girl on their with a beautiful body and feels like they need to look like them because they may have received more attention and feel that is acceptable. Recently there was a popular challenge floating around the social media sites for a while called the "#dontjugdechallenge." This consisted of teens or young adults who in the first part of the clip trying to look unattractive giving themselves fake acne, moles, unibrow and even glasses. While in the second part of the clip they come back with stunning transformation with all their makeup done, hair did, in which they have gone from ugly to beautiful. The challenge is supposed to raise the cliche of not judging a book by its cover. However, it is superficial considering both parts of the clip no one is revealing their true beauty rather showing themselves ridiculously hideous to beautiful. Our generation has become narcissistic and only care about how good they look in their selfie and how many likes get in their picture, no wonder why so many teens feel they need cosmetic surgery because they feel they need to look at a certain way to feel acceptable or liked.
"Most adolescents exhibit some degree of celebrity worship.8 There exists a positive correlation between celebrity worship and the acceptance of cosmetic surgery among female undergraduates"(Jordan 2013).Celebrities are very influential in society because many of us look up to them and sometimes how they perceive beauty can be so wrong, many celebrities have beautiful bodies, always have flawless makeup on.