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Police Misconduct

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             Examples: .
             1. It seems like every where you turn these days police misconduct is going to be in the spotlight. From as early as Martin Luther King Jr. in the 1960's to the Rodney King beatings in the 1990's. One of the earliest documented stories of police corruption was by the New York Times in 1970. In An Introduction to Policing by Dempsey tells of officers Frank Serpico and David Dirk were apart of the NYPD's string of illegal operations which were later found out in 1972 when the Knapp Committees reports were final. The allegations that lead to the conviction of the two officers included; gambling, narcotics, prostitution, construction, bars, Sabbath laws, parking and traffic, retrieving seized automobiles, intradepartmental payments, sale of information, gratuities, and miscellaneous. This was the beginning of what was to come in police mishaps reported in the media.
             In an article from Time Magazine called "How Cops go Bad-, written by Michael Kramer, one man's story of a date with a woman from the wrong part of town turns into the uncovering of basically a whole police force that is corrupt and brutal. "For both Colbert and the Philadelphia police department, a nightmare was about to begin. Before it was over, it would expose a pattern of corruption that would bring down nine cops, implicate scores of others and eventually lead to the freeing of 160 wrongfully convicted prisoners, all victims of a web of misdeeds masquerading as heroic police work-. This tragic report tells the story of what happened on the night of February 24, 1991, as Arthur Colbert is at the wrong place at the wrong time. What seems to Arthur as innocent as asking directions to his date's house leads to multiple beatings with "fists, nightsticks, and long handed black flashlight-. The police that did this to him; their names were changed due to the interviews in prison "we need to keep low profiles, being known as a former cop to our fellow inmates is not exactly conducive to our life-styles, or just to continue living-.

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