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Commercial Analysis - Dos Equis

The man is additionally as suave as ever in this scene as he serenely waves to his resplendent female admirers afore he takes his dive. Consequently, this scene is implicatively insinuating that with remotely of Dos Equis' liquid intrepidity your typical sophisticated potation imbiber could be found doing some adventurous stunt for his on looking lady friends, and pull the stunt off without so much as breaking a sweat.
             The next scene sets in a green rainforest. The man is leading a group of native men who are dressed in full tribal face paint and clothes. The group is traveling cautiously through the dense jungle as if peril is ahead. Suddenly, what appears to be some form of booby trap springs in front of the man. He visually examines the sprung trap for a second, and with a face that shows no denotement of worry, he turns to his tribal companion and verbally expresses something that is inaudible to those viewing the commercial. This scene authentically shows the sense of adventure that Dos Equis is endeavoring to engender with their commercial. The man is circumvented by adventure in this scene in the form of a dense tropical rainforest, a gang of tribal men that he is leading, and by the hazard of booby traps obnubilated in the jungle. Now of course an exotic locale and native tribes both implicatively insinuate the adventure that one could have by imbibing their potation, but notice that even in this dense rainforest with a band of tribal people abaft him, the man leads the pack. This more than even the locale, booby traps, or natives shows how tough and adventurous the man authentically is. That even though he's in a place that he is not habituated with, he is the alpha male of the group and the bellwether of the pack. It is with this tough, adventurous, and suave alpha male that Dos Equis sells their product to those who deep down, maybe even unknowingly, aspire to be the most interesting man.

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