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Life-Skills Class at Walsh Jesuit

" And goes on to speak about how this is an important skill to have when you grow up. Relating to this is learning how to handle money. Accounting, finance, and business classes do explain accounting procedures, financing arrangements, and business structures, but do not focus much on personal finances, saving or investing. Popular financial personality Dave Ramsey's advice for money management and getting out of debt is a good place to start. Furthermore, higher education doesn't spend much time teaching students how to be self-employed. .
             Watching kids grow up and starting their own life is scary but exciting at the same time. Students go to college to further their education and go more in depth with a field of study that interests them. Everything seems okay in college because they are still depending on their parents for the most part. After college, they will be their own job and start a life of their own. This part can be scary when you do not know how to accomplish some simple tasks although. If schools do not bring back home economic classes soon, students will not know what they will be doing later in life and start panicking when they are young and should not feel that way. This can increase anxiety and scare young adults at first if they have no idea what they are doing when it comes to balancing a checkbook or buying their first home. Of course there are classes that can be taken in college, but students usually have to pay for them and cannot afford it since they are already trying to pay off their college tuition. High schools will want to have this class for students so that later in life, they are not laughed at or embarrassed because they do not know these basic life skills. .
             A good home economics class would provide many different life skills. This includes learning how to sew, cook or shop. This sounds simple but many students do not know how to sew on a button or can cook something that is not microwavable.

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