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Save the Yoni - Female Circumcision

             It is important to distinguish respect from unreflective acceptance. However, blanket condemnation by health workers will not help families decide how to break a long-standing tradition by choosing not to circumcise their daughters. On the contrary, by unwittingly conveying revulsion toward circumcised women and children, providers may drive these families away from the health care they need. Our objective is to understand and address the conflicts that occur when clinicians provide care to patients whose beliefs and practices differ from their own. We review the practice, cultural significance and medical complications of female circumcision, and offer sensitive clinical guidelines, illustrated by case examples, for caring for currently circumcised women. Female circumcision is also known, more accurately, as female genital mutilation and female genital cutting (FGC.) .
             There are three forms of FGC. The first is a clitoridectomy, the cutting and/or removal of the hood of the clitoris and all or part of the clitoris. The second is an excision which removes the clitoris, the hood, and the labia minor (the inner folds of the vulva that is responsible for producing lubrication). The infibulation is the third and most radical which also removes everything in the excision along with the labia majora, the outer folds of the vulva. Once removed the sides of the vulva are sewn together leaving a small hole (about pencil size) for the flow of menstruation and urine. The tradition of FGC dates back more than 1000 years and is practiced in parts of Asia, the Far East, Europe, Asia, South America, and even amongst certain ethnic groups in the United States. Aisha Abdel Majid tells of her experience in an interview with Rogaia Mustafa Abusharaf, an anthropologist born in Sudan, in her article "Unmasking the Tradition of Female Circumcision." Majid describes her cutting is when she was only 6 years old.

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