The Major Elements and Dimensions of Culture in Ireland.
The traditional Irish culture continues to change including other parts of their life. Wealth has taken hold in the land of scholars and saints. The government proposes now and then signs to the old Irish ways- such as refusing postal codes in support of county names for mailing addresses. But conservationists are distraught by the nation's archeological heritage wearing away, and a statement commissioned by the Irish Heritage Council, a group devoted to protecting Ireland's cultural heritage, affirms that Ireland's archeological locations are at risk of being damaged in the proportion of 10 percent every ten years. The trial for them now is how to uphold a state of Irishness while being greatly rooted in globalization (Harriss, 2005). .
Due to extensive developments in housing, many thatched-roof houses are sadly becoming extinct. The main highway now runs through the vicinity of the 4,000-year-old ceremonial location at the Royal Hill of Tara, a place of big archeological significance. Also, it was common back in the older days for the women to stay home and knit in the evening to bring in some extra income. The women did not have jobs and go out to pubs at night as they do now. The understanding of how to do elaborate knitting is not being passed down from generation to generation due to the change in today's world; an entire region of Irish popular culture is changing day to day ( Harriss, 2005). The most eventful and important of all is the Saint Patrick's Day. It is a national holiday in the Republic of Ireland. To determine its significance, the day is commemorated with a lot of celebrations in towns and cities all around Ireland. Marching bands and Parades are also availed to mark that day. Dancing is a huge part and piece of the Irish culture. In Irish dancing, two kinds have been identified. They are the Real Irish Dance and Riverdance.