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The War on Drugs: Time for Change!

The nation experienced a sense of confusion and distress during that time. The war in Vietnam and the vast amount of drug users frustrated the country. Time Magazine estimated that as many as twenty five percent of soldiers fighting in Vietnam were hooked on heroine. "As common as chewing gum", added Time (Baum p.49). Based on the latest Roper poll (Public Relation Research), drugs hit the number one spot on all national problems (Baum p.62). Feeling the pressure, Nixon announced the formation of SAODAP (Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention) (Baum p.56). Many new law enforcement programs followed. The full scale War on Drugs has begun.
             After more than forty years of countless law enforcement operations into numerous drug cartels both locally and internationally, as well as constant harassment upon local and street dealers, the number of drug users has increased drastically. In 1962, less than 2 million Americans used illegal drugs. By 1998, more than 80 million had (McCaffrey p.18). In 2014, National Institute on Drug estimated approximately about 57.8 million Americans experienced some form of drugs ranging from illicit drugs, marijuana, and cocaine to Methamphetamine. Although the number of users are down from 1998 to 2014, it represents roughly 18% of the United States population (drugabuse.gov/ publication 3). It is a stagnant number considering billions of dollars were spent both from the Federal and States and local governments. Opinions and views from the American public vary. .
             The State Department believes that we are winning the battle. Many drug lords have been arrested and incarcerated. The fight demands a long term commitment and must continue. They claim that with the strong cooperation of leaders from many countries where major drug producers are believed to be originated from, including Columbia, Mexico, Costa Rica, Bolivia in South America, Pakistan from the Middle East, to Laos from South East Asia, the War on Drugs is gaining ground day by day.

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