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The Ongoing Problem of Cyberbullying

After the victim has allowed the bully to come in on their page, it is open for the to comment and post about that person, making it public for almost anyone to see. .
             Just like an average "school-yard bully," cyberbullying causes psychological, emotional and physical stress. Each person has a unique reaction to a bully, but research has shown some general tendencies. As stated in an article, "youth who are bullied have a higher risk of depression and anxiety," (StopBullying.gov). Most of the time, the signs of bullying may not be obvious at first, but as it continues, the pressure builds up inside of the teenager causing the emotional issues and stresses of a cyberbullying victim, causing them to fold under the pressure. With the typical school bully, it is easy to deal with the stress and can be avoided, but a cyberbully follows the victim home, making it almost impossible for someone to find a way to feel safe and sheltered from the crude remarks and lashes from a bully.
             In order to fully understand bullying, you have to dissect the elements. All bullies are different in the methods they choose to harass the person they're going after, and most of the time, the bully does not strike alone. Most of the time, some of the bystanders who witness the harshness, whether it be online or face-to-face, are supporting the bully; these people are the ones who help engage the horrible act and find it somewhat amusing to hurt and ridicule the victim. While the bully does not act alone, there is always someone who is a witness to the bullying who are trying to stand firmly behind the victim, just like the victim, they face a tough fight against a very harsh front. As much as the bystanders want to disagree with the bully, many do not fully step forward to help the person who is being ridiculed. .
             Because the spread of social media and instant messaging have grown and swept across the world, the bullying epidemic has spread dramatically.

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