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Kazakh Culture and Traditions

1930'S after Stalin had gained control of the Soviet state in the late 1920s, he executed many Kazakh leaders and intellectuals who had supported Lenin. (Kazakhstan and the Kazakhs, 1975). Therefore, Kazakhs just could not improve their cultural traditions as the Soviet Union threatened them to punish.
             Secondly, after independence from the Soviet Union, the west countries effect to the Kazakh identity. After the wave of Westernization had come to our country, the Kazakh culture continued to get worse. Westernization brings a huge impact on our society; people were engaged with their tradition, clothing and with their general lifestyle. The most fashionable clothes were brought from France, Italy, Turkey and other west countries. Because the west countries attracted Kazakhstan's and the whole world population to adopt to their tradition, also in our country was not factories that produce high-quality textile products and suits. After the independence, Kazakhstan did not have an opportunity to improve the textile industry. Firstly, the unemployment rate between 1991- 2002 years reached a peak, while inflation rate inside the country showed record highest percentage. (Trading Economics, 1992-2015). The foreign and domestic trade condition of Kazakhstan did not satisfy the society, whereas standard of living people was in a very low level. When authority gradually tried to stabilize the Kazakh nationality, ideology, and language, there could not be an idea about improving particularly Kazakh traditional clothes. In the last two decades, there was not a single thing on the brand with our national ornaments or just from our culture. Kazakh designers did not have a support from the government, and financial condition did not allow improving Kazakh fashion. These are all were reasons why Kazakh fashion was getting worse. .
             Despite these facts about Kazakh culture was getting worse, there were many local areas of Kazakhstan where Kazakh people follow our culture and traditions.

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