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Two Diseases Without a Cure: ALS and CTE

Devoted scientists began researching what causes this disease that's leaving people immobile and helpless, and realized that most cases are sporadic. There are two different types of ALS: sporadic and familial. Sporadic ALS, meaning that it is received from concussions and blows to the head, makes up 90-95% of all ALS cases. The other 5-10% of cases are familial ALS, which means that the disease was extracted from genetics. One who has been diagnosed with ALS is usually given a life expectancy of two more years. .
             Something so devastating about ALS, is that unlike CTE's, the mind of a victim remains entirely intact, so that while their body is slowing dying and they are one-by-one losing the ability to move different parts of their body, they are completely and entirely aware of their struggle. This could cause serious mental issues, such as depression, all while their physical issues begin to grow. Since ALS has no cure, and there is no stopping any of the symptoms, new technologies have been invented to assist a patient in breathing, eating, and communicating. An interesting invention is a computer that picks up eye movements and allows the patient to "speak" by looking at different letters, words, and phrases to put together a sentence, and the computer then reads them out loud to allow communication. .
             CTE victims are not so lucky when it comes to medical aid. This disease affects the mind in a way that causes many ailments, such as depression, suicidal thoughts, aggression, Alzheimer's, and dementia. There is not any way to diagnose somebody with CTE until they pass away, when their brain can then be sent to a processing lab for scans and studies. This happened in the case of Junior Seau, a big shot NFL player, whose career ended short because CTE's drove him mad. He was once a role model for younger athletes, a very happy family man and giving guy, but then he started acting differently.

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