As in all areas of research it is my belief that the final power must go to the researcher as they are the ones that decide on the questions, decide how, when and where they are conducted. On the other hand, as the interpretation of the data is reliant on the researcher, as identified by Flewitt (2014), it is actually only the researchers' interpretations that are the final outcome of the data. This would then question whether any data be trusted. Therefore to counter this Liebenberg, L. (2009) is now said to enable participants to reflect on their selection and why this is of importance to them; therefore, using "visual methods as a communication tool" This allows the visual method to become a phenomenological paradigm as it allows more personal interpretations of subject matter validating that this approach would be more realistic of the truth. .
However, Liebenberg. L. (2009) cites" there are several researchers who argue that those researched already have complex lives and that the subject is more political and ethical". Stating that research is being taken for granted within a society that contradicts and maintain oppressive structures that are racial, cultural, gendered and age related as stated by ( Comstock,1994:reason,1994). Therefore how can this data be taken as such if the questions are formulated by dominant voices making the outcome of our findings are worthless. With this in mind, I would be leaning towards the view of Liebenberg (2009) that a combination of visual studies mixed with observational would validate any discrepancies that are disbelieved. However, the type of observational method used may influence whether such discrepancies could be validated. .
Dr. Samantha Punch (EK313, Online) discusses how her method of research is an ethnographic approach (taking time to live with participants and become actively involved) stating that the drawback is that it is a time consuming approach.