Briefly, information processing identifies attention, working memory, short-term memory, long-term memory, and metacognition as key resources used by individuals when they learn new information (Goleman 192). Since learning is a process, a diminished capacity for any single resource can impact other resources. Thus, in the case of texting/posting, students' attention can be divided, which can distract attention from on-task behavior. In turn, information processed in working/short-term memory may be incomplete or inaccurate, which could lead to inaccurate or insufficient storage of information in long-term memory hindering any effective learning. These students also have the potential to find it a challenge to stay on task whenever they are supposed to complete a homework assignment online because of the distractions of emails or social media sites, which often correlate to ineffective learning. It is evident that communication technology is a major factor when it comes to providing distractions, about the hindrance of effective learning.
Communication technology has also often been correlated to the promotion of procrastination throughout many academic or educational environments. Procrastination is one of the major reasons why students have an ineffective time learning academic material. It goes along with distractions and can hinder effective learning. These distractions (such as social media sites, online games, game consoles, texting or emailing) make cramming or procrastination a more dangerous habit in effectively learning the new information required for plans or graduation. Procrastination, simply defined, is avoiding doing a task which needs to be accomplished because of its relative importance (Goleman 38). For example, one would rather be spending his or her time socializing with friends or relatives rather than working on an important project that is due soon; or one would prefer to watch an exciting movie at the cinema or a television show rather than sitting down at a desk for an upcoming quiz or test.