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Library Automation in Pakistan

In the the past, old methods were used in libraries that caused problems for the users as well as staff of the library. Since two and a half decades in Pakistan, use of IT has increased quickly in libraries and information centers. .
             This research is significant as it determines the application of IT used in libraries of Pakistan. As the advancements are being made in the IT, the libraries are also changing with it. The adoption of IT can be seen in a number of libraries in Pakistan. Computers are very important for use in libraries to carry out the library operations accurately and quickly. They are used for the storage and transfers of vast amounts of information.
             Pakistan has been funded by International bodies for the automation and development of its libraries in the usage of IT resources. USAID, Netherlands Government and The International Development Research Centre of Canada are the most remarkable ones, that are a source of providing IT solutions for libraries in Pakistan. They provided state of the art hardwares, softwares, trainings and introduced IT for the libraries. The main function of Information Technology in libraries is the availability of the right information for the right user at the right time in the right form to satisfy his information needs that will increase his force of knowledge. It is an opportunity for the libraries to grow and it is the immense need for a better educated nation. .
             Through the use of IT in libraries, new ways of learning and training can be evident. The revolution in the usage of IT in libraries is crucial in order to increase the productivity of research across the country. All the libraries of the country can be linked together for effective resource and knowledge sharing among different users. The idea of library automation is not fully implemented in Pakistan as compared to the developed world. A single library cannot be self-sufficient in providing the best information to its users unless it makes connections with other libraries.

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