This shows how huge the scope of corruption is within Somalia (which will come back into play later) but it also means that after nearly 100% of the force defected, Somalis were left again without a police force. Similar situations have been reported in The DRC and the situations in both countries have led to whatever police are left mostly making their living on bribes. This is another big show of corruption, but socially speaking it means that citizens who should be able to rely on these officers end up having to pay them off at checkpoints and village checks instead. .
Education is another crippling issue in both of the states at hand. The literacy rate in Somalia is at about 37% while The DRC is higher with 66% (2). While 66% might sound mildly reasonable for the third world, it is important to note that 137 of the sum 210 states on the list are 90% literate or above. That data dwarfs The DRC and makes the 37% in Somalia look more like an epidemic than simply an issue. .
While the lack of doctors and domestic resources are categorically filed under political causes for state fragility, infant mortality rate still falls under the category of society. With 92 and 97 infants dying out of every 1000 (3), The Democratic Republic of Congo and Somalia respectively have two of the highest infant mortality rates in the world. Given that human rights extend to those who are still unable to speak, this is a huge and not easily corrected violation to the infants.
Another extremely telling piece of data that shows just how much societies are affected by the failure of their states is the number of IDP's (internally displaced persons). Somalia, for instance, has a population of about 10 million people with 1.1 million IDP's (and a similar number of refugees) which means that the IDP's alone account for 10% of the country's population (25% total displaced). The DRC has a population of roughly 67 million, about 2.