Napoleon does not agree with this idea, he believes that building the windmill will allow them less time for producing food. On that Sunday, the pigs allow the other animals to vote for the windmill, Napoleon releases a pack of ferocious dogs. The dogs chase Snowball off the farm, and he is never to be seen after. .
Napoleon now is the dictator of Animal Farm. He announces that the weekly meetings are cancelled. Then, he tells all the animals that the windmill will be made and takes full credibility of the windmill idea. Through the remainder of the book Snowball is blamed if anything bad happens on the farm. The animals begin working on the windmill for the year. An incredibly strong horse, Boxer, proves to be the strongest horse in this revolution. Napoleon hires a human and begins trading with close by farms. Then, a storm wipes out the half made windmill, Napoleon blames the incident on Snowball and mostly all of the animals believe him. They start rebuilding the windmill. Napoleon's need for power only increases, he forces "confessions" from the animals and has the dogs execute them right on the farm. He and the pigs move into Mr.Jones house and begin sleeping on the beds. The pigs eat large amounts of food and the hard working animals receive only small portions. Eventually, the windmill is finally complete. Frederick, a neighboring farmer, attacks the farm with his men. They are defeated by the animals, but the humans explode the windmill. As more of the Seven Commandments are broken by the pigs, the language of the commandments is also revised with it. For example, after the pigs get drunk one night, they change the commandment "No animals shall drink alcohol" to "No animal shall drink alcohol to excess." Boxer offers all of his strength to rebuild the windmill again, but the exhausted horse collapses in the process. Napoleon sells the horse to a glue factory. Squealer creates a story that Boxer was taken to the veterinarian and died peacefully in the hospital.