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Federal Funding for Felons

             The educational system that is now being offered, inmates have a better chance of succeeding and staying out of prison. Educating inmates correctly can help inmates become more aware of the consequences and lessen their chances of returning to prison.
             Education is always worth the time and effort and can always increase a person's stability in life. However, when people think of prison, of course they think of the uneducated individuals that are committing these crimes, but there are educated individuals that are committing crimes too. Though crime is no means limited to uneducated offenders, people whose humanity has been restored though dedicated education in prison tend to prefer a crimeless life after release (Sofer 2006). Having the ability to take courses and improve their lives when they thought it could never happen, makes people want to change their lives and become a part of society in a way they never thought possible. .
             When inmates arrive to prison they are automatically assessed with a multidimensional Test on offender's behavior and level of educational skills. By doing this the system is able to better access to improve their behavior after they are released from prison. Which is exactly what inmates learn, how they can achieve their goals and stay out of prison. At the same time inmates are more likely to participate in programs offered to them, when they know it will help them succeed after being released from prison (Adams 1994). .
             Another reason as to why prison education is very beneficial to felons as well as society is education helps prepare the inmates in adjusting to society. In addition to lowering recidivism rates, education in prison can help inmates improve their attitudes, raise their self-esteem and help increase opportunities for employment later in life (Diseth 2008). Many of the inmates are in prison for years at a time and all they know is the prison life style.

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